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Cv Writing Rules That Apply To Everyone
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CV writing rules that apply to everyone

  • Publish Date: Posted about 2 years ago

​​A successful job application begins with a well-crafted CV. It is not your CV that will cause you to get the job, but it can certainly prevent you from getting an interview if you do not work hard to translate your experience properly. Make sure your CV reflects your achievements and personality to a prospective employer. Ensure everything you write is factual and not exaggerated and keep it professional both in content and presentation.

While the principles of CV writing have remained the same for generations, the use of technology has allowed more aspects of the application and hiring process to be conducted online. Make sure to leverage technology to your advantage by ensuring your CV meets the latest standards and requirements, as this will help make sure it is seen and read.

There are some general rules that apply to all CVs, here's some of them:

  • Adapt your CV to each job you apply for

It may seem obvious, but tailoring your CV to the job description is crucial. Employers want candidates who speak their language and understand their industry's lingo. It reinforces the idea that you are a strong candidate for the position, when they see their own words reflected back to them in your CV.

In some industries, CVs are often run through a computer system that filters out candidates whose CVs match key words in the job ad. As a result, it filters out applicants who match what an employer is looking for and disregards all other CVs. The right keywords are also crucial for getting found by employers if your CV is posted to an online database like Indeed CV.

  • Make sure all the basics are covered

In a CV, your relevant skills and accomplishments should be highlighted to the best of your ability. Nevertheless, every CV must include some basic elements like name, address, email, and phone number. It is important that you use caution when sharing your CV, since this information is sensitive.

Additionally, include any skills that are relevant to the job, as well as any work or volunteering experience you have. The most common way to list your experience is to begin with your most recent job. When it comes to your past jobs, include the most relevant information; if some details are not relevant to the position you are applying for, leave them out. Don't focus on tasks, but rather on achievements.

Remember to include relevant education and certifications as well. Depending on the job or industry you are interested in, your educational background will be of varying importance but it's always worth mentioning as it's a big achievement that shows you're a dedicated and eager to learn person.

  • Back up your accomplishments

Hiring managers can better visualize your potential impact when you present data and numbers about your work experience. You'll look more credible and your CV will be more informative if you back up your achievements with real data. This is just the cherry on top of the cake for recruiters - the one thing that can prove you'll be a great employee.

Numbers allow hiring managers to gain a better understanding of the results you have achieved and how much of an impact you had on a project or team. It also shows them that you understand the value of quantitative analysis and that you can use facts and figures to illustrate your accomplishments.

  • Check for typos and misspellings

Checking your CV for typos and mistakes is so important. Do not send out a CV full of errors after you have worked so hard to perfect it. Employers will be able to tell you don't pay attention to details if your CV contains small typos or mistakes. Proofread your work and use a spell checker - even if you have read it several times, a lot of errors go unnoticed.