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Best Apps for Freelancers in 2020

  • Publish Date: Posted about 5 years ago
  • Author:by Antonia

One of the keys to success as a freelancer is organisation and utilising all the tools available to increase your productivity. Technology has made the life of a freelancer substantially easier and here are the 5 best apps to use in 2020.

1.    Evernote
As a freelancer, you must manage your workload, which is often easier said than done. Evernote is an intelligent app available across almost all smart devices to help you keep track of everything you have on your plate. From to-do lists to meeting notes, drawings and projects, nothing is too much trouble for Evernote. You can sign up for free, and all of your work will save from device to device, meaning anywhere can be your workspace.

2.    Rescue Time
If you work predominantly on a computer for your freelancing, you may already find you lose track of time quickly. Time management is essential for managing your workload and can impact the billing aspects of jobs. Rescue Time allows you to track how much time you spend working, and on what specific project. It will also provide reports on where you have spent most of your time, giving you the nudge to stop playing games and carry on working!

3.    Focus Booster
In contrast to Rescue Timekeeping you hard at work, Focus Booster reminds you to take breaks. You may find yourself skipping lunch or working far longer than you’d expected, but Focus Booster will tell you to take care of yourself as well as your clients.

4.    Write Room
This app removes all other distractions from your screen, apart from what you’re working on. On the surface, this may seem minor, but by allowing you to enter a focused view on your screen, you may be amazed just how much you get done. It’s already proved quite popular with the writing community, and it could be a game-changer for 2020.

5.    QuickBooks
While this software/app isn’t a new arrival, it’s undoubtedly remained a must-have for freelancers over the years. The software allows you to take complete control over your finances, invoicing, expenses and much more from the convenience of an app or online, ensuring you never miss a payment again.

If you’re looking for freelance opportunities in 2020, contact Become’s dedicated freelancing desk to see how we can help you find more work.