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Using LinkedIn Effectively - Why Does it Matter?

  • Publish Date: Posted about 6 years ago
  • Author:by David Valks

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Applying for a new role can be a daunting process. Our podcasts are here to make the process as seamless as possible, by providing you with the information and tools you need to land your next dream role. Hosted by our experienced Australia, Hong Kong and UK teams, we aim to help you stand out and showcase your ability and experience. 

Listen to our latest podcast  - using LinkedIn effectively

Almost every recruiter and hiring manager is using LinkedIn for their recruitment needs, so it is important to know how to use it effectively. Today’s podcast explores why it matters! We will cover how to stand out from the crowd and how to best use LinkedIn. As recruiters, we use it daily to find the top talent.

Important things to consider:

LinkedIn as a professional platform...

  • Have a profile to begin with, having just a CV is just not enough

  • LinkedIn is a professional platform, so your profile needs to be accurate and needs to best reflect what you have done in life

  • This is your chance and opportunity to really sell yourself

  • Make that first impression on why you should be hired over everybody else

  • Some companies may not read CV's but will go over your LinkedIn profile

Use of photos...

  • Represent your best self, no sunglasses, keep it a nice facial shot

  • Keep it simple, it should reflect you, but it still has to be professional

  • It doesn’t have to be a corporate photo but definitely no selfies, a decent picture is important

  • Ask yourself: Is it professional? Will it put people off? If it raises questions, hiring managers may look at your Facebook and Instagram

Keep your CV accurate...

  • The layout and ordering of CV's can often be quite messy

  • The start and finish dates need to be very clear, accurate and match your CV dates

  • Skills and keywords are important on your CV

  • LinkedIn is a search engine and to ensure you show up on searches, you need to use keywords on your profile

  • As recruiters, we use specific words to find you

  • Ensure if you have particular specialisations e.g. ad word certifications, eCommerce, digital marketing etc. that these are noted on your LinkedIn

  • What are your key strengths? This information should be in your opening summary

  • The more tech, tools and skills the better

Endorsements and recommendations...

  • You can ask other people to endorse you and your skills

  • Public endorsements can often be more effective than private references

  • Quality over quantity in terms of recommendations, especially if it’s a specific campaign, stand out as this really paints a picture for hiring managers

  • Specific recommendations are more real, more telling about a story

  • We do search on location, so ensuring your location is up to date is important

  • Be industry-specific e.g. Branding Account Manager

  • Are you open to opportunities? Do you reply?

  • You can include links to your portfolio or LinkedIn on your CV

  • Link to portfolio is up to date, ensure the link works and ensure the work presented is the latest copy of your work

Be pro-active and make meaningful connections...

  • LinkedIn is a networking site too, build a profile and make meaningful connections

  • Hiring managers will look at how good your network is, how many connections, how active are you?

  • No sharing rubbish on LinkedIn, posts that should go on Facebook should not go on LinkedIn necessarily

  • Consider, will your posts help you get hired?

  • Be pro-active on LinkedIn and share articles that are relevant

  • Always be genuine as there is a possibility your connection can lead somewhere

  • Keep it simple at the end of the day, quick summary of your achievements in that time and position

  • Draw us in to ensure we want to know more about you and your experience

  • Join the mini-communities, businesses and forums and interact with other people and peers

  • Being pro-active adds to the chance for you to stay on top of mind

  • Follow the bigger influencers – what are they talking about?

  • Shows that you're interested and knowledgeable with regards to your speciality

LinkedIn Do's:

  1. Keep it up-to-date, keep it accurate and keep it professional

  2. Pay attention to keywords, skills and titles

  3. Treat LinkedIn is a search engine

  4. Add value, not always about taking, it is about giving too!

LinkedIn Dont's: 

  1. Just spam and share irrelevant information and articles

  2. Treat LinkedIn like Facebook and Instagram, you can still show personality but in a professional manner

  3. Over do it – finding balance and keeping it relevant

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